Monday, July 20, 2015

Another Look at 111 South Green Street

Rendering of 111 South Peoria

There is continuing tension in West Town between people who already live there and developers who want to help  more people live there.  For the most part the developments that have sparked such anger and vitriol in the community have been low- and mid-rise buildings, and therefore stay mostly under our radar.

But for those of you who weren’t able to get to the most recent community meeting, we present a selection of slides about 111 South Green Street for your perusal.  If you’d like to see the whole thing as an unedited PDF, it’s being distributed by the Neighbors of the West Loop via this link.

Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria
Diagram of 111 South Peoria

Location: 211 South Peoria Street, West Town

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog

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