Thursday, July 9, 2015

Status Update: Homewood-Hampton Taking Shape in West Loop

108 North Jefferson under construction

When Gotham City found itself in trouble, it’d illuminate the Bat Signal, alerting Batman all was not well with the world.

108 North Jefferson rendering

108 North Jefferson rendering courtesy of the office of Alderman Brenda Reilly.

Here at The Chicago Architecture Blog, we look to the sky for signs of construction, not trouble. In our city, we have Progress, with a capital P, which rhymes with C, and that stands for Construction. And nothing points the way to an exciting construction project like a big honking crane stretching for the sky.

As West Loop Spy Kurt pointed out Tuesday, this beauty reigns high above 108 North Jefferson Street, where Jupiter Realty is developing a combination Homewood Suites and Hampton Inn. We stopped by for photographic evidence of work getting done, and we weren’t disappointed. To refresh your memories, the hotel(s) will extend 23 floors and 250 feet upward, with 338 rooms to accommodate guests.

108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction
108 North Jefferson under construction

Location: 108 North Jefferson Street, West Loop

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog

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