Friday, July 17, 2015

Optimistic About Optima II

Optima II under construction

Optima II under construction

After a slow start, one thing is starting to lead to another at the site of what will eventually be the Optima II tower, behind Tribune Tower at 240 East Illinois Street in Streeterville.

Optima Chicago Center

It’s been almost a month since the city issued permits for a temporary tower crane to get the 54-story residential building started. And as The Chicago Architecture Blog’s Daniel Schell discovered, the little red stub is finally in place and ready to accept its burden.

“But wait…” a tiny voice in the back of your head says, “Wasn’t this supposed to be 55 stories?”  The latest city paperwork, which is the foundation permit issued in September lists it as 54 stories with 381 residences.  But it’s not unusual for a floor to be added or subtracted late in the game.

Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction
Optima II under construction

Location: 240 East Illinois Street, Streeterville

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog

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