Monday, July 6, 2015

Walton No. 9 Is Alive

No. 9 Walton pre-construction

No. 9 Walton pre-construction

There’s nothing like the smell of fresh diesel smoke in the morning.  Especially when that smell comes from a big yellow digger freshly delivered to the site of a future skyscraper.

Drawing of No. 9 WaltonGold Coast Spy Brian pinged our TIP LINE with the photograph above.  He snapped it this morning at the site of what will eventually become No. 9 Walton (9 West Walton Street).  At 35 stories and just over 400 feet tall, it’s not going to be the tallest building in the neighborhood.  But its stature is intended to come from its level of sophistication, not the number of levels of sophisticates living there.

The tower is, quite literally, a builder’s building.  Developer James Letchinger, the man behind JDL Development, has pledged to live in the building, himself. In a video released last month, Mr. Letchinger stated that he was creating that he would want to live in; that is up to his standards.

His standards will have to wait for just a little bit, though.  As of this (Monday) morning, the city has not issued any construction permits for that location.  But excavators aren’t free, so if there’s one on the lot, that certainly signifies intent to move some dirt sooner rather than later.


This article is the result of photos sent in by someone just like you. If you see something interesting in your neighborhood, e-mail your phone pics to Check out our Tip Line page for other ways to tip us off, like by text message.


Location: 9 West Walton Street, Gold Coast

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog

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