Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wright Time to Visit Oak Park

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park Ill. (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1889/1898). Courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright Trust. Photographer: Don Kalec

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park Ill. (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1889/1898). Courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright Trust. Photographer: Don Kalec

Do you love architecture? Of course you do!  Do you love money? Of course you do!

That’s why it’s important for you to know that tomorrow you can tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park for the low low price of… free!  It’s a bargain at twice the price!

The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust is having a whole day of free events and tours to celebrate the first tour it gave way back in 1974, when a stamp cost 10¢, a gallon of gas was 53¢, and milk, surprisingly, wasn’t all that much cheaper than today: $1.39/gallon.

But don’t take our word for it (about the tours, not the milk).  Here’s the press release straight from the foundation:

Wright Home and Studio celebrates anniversary with free tours

(Oak Park, Ill.) – Join the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust for its Summer Open House at the Home and Studio on the anniversary of the museum’s first public tour in 1974.

The Summer Open House will take place 5-8 p.m., Friday, July 17 at the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, 951 Chicago Ave., Oak Park. Refreshments will be served. This free event is appropriate for all ages. Reservations are not required.

In addition to a highlights tour of the Home and Studio, this kid-friendly event will have an art project in the courtyard and a cardboard cutout of Frank Lloyd Wright for photographs.

Dining Room, Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park Ill. (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1889/1898). Courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright Trust. Photographer: Tim Long

Dining Room, Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park Ill. (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1889/1898). Courtesy of Frank Lloyd Wright Trust. Photographer: Tim Long

Location: 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog

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