Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Just a Moment… Don’t Call it 545 McClurg Anymore

The only thing we like less than a surface parking lot is a skyscraper with a terrible name.  In most cases, the worst possible name arrives when a developer or owner decides to just go with the building’s address for a name.  It’s like when someone calls their dog “dog.”  Or when an artist creates an enormous, dramatic work of art and calls it “Study #4.”  It is the very definition of insipid.

Well, Streeterville residents can rejoice.  Because Golub‘s residential and office tower formerly known as 545 North McClurg, and before that 410 East Grand, is now named…. Moment.

Not an actual scene from an actual brainstorming session at Golub

Not an actual scene from an actual brainstorming session at Golub

Along with the new name comes a fancy new web site that doesn’t do much except take your contact information.  But it is fully buzzword compliant, containing not only dwell, but also mindful, dynamic, wellness, premiere, and that most meaningless of real estate terms, luxury.

Moment logo

A new name needs a new logo. This is what Golub is using for the Moment.

Rendering of 410 East Grand, courtesy of SCBWhen completed in 2016, the tower designed by friends-of-the-blog SCB will rise 45 stories into the Streeterville skyline, eliminating yet another surface parking lot.

To be fair, a lot of thought was put into the “Moment” name.  We’re not sure why it took so long to unveil, though, since our spies tell us it was approved since at least September of last year.  Perhaps they were having second thoughts.

For the record, the worst name for a skyscraper in Chicago history was “Skyline Century of Progress,” a nonsensical mishmash of words once applied to the historic 28-story art deco tower at the northeast corner of Lake and Wells Streets.  It has actually had at least six names that we know of. Most recently the “Century Tower.”

Location: 545 North McClurg Court, Streeterville

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from The Chicago Architecture Blog http://www.chicagoarchitecture.org/2015/07/07/just-a-moment-dont-call-it-545-mcclurg-anymore/

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